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Iveraw Aleenh
Iveraw Aleenh

Arma 3 Respawn Script LINK

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Arma 3 Respawn Script LINK

You can have multiple markers simply by adding any text behind the name, e.g. respawn_west1, respawn_westBase etc. When no markers are defined, player is respawned on position where he started the mission. More about marker respawn can be found here. Alternatively you can also use the Respawn Position module.

The respawn templates "MenuPosition" and "Spectator" are not compatible since MenuPosition will force the map open. Instead you can use the following settings to get access to the full spectator mode:

Use BIS_fnc_respawnTickets to update the amount of available tickets. Note that the template will have no effect if this function is never used, meaning players outside of all given pools will have infinite respawns.

Lets players pick a respawn loadout defined in CfgRespawnInventory. Loadouts can be added using BIS_fnc_addRespawnInventory function. A new screen was released with 1.60 and brings new functionalities together with a new design.

The main purpose of the roles is to make things more clear and simple for player when selecting loadout. All the loadouts available in a mission are now divided into various roles.Mission designer can use roles already created in the game config, or custom roles can be defined in description.ext file. Loadouts with no role assigned are automatically assigned to the Default role.Loadout config example:Show text

Parameter(s):0: Object - Object to take the loadout from1: String - Class name of the respawn loadout2: String - Display name of the respawn loadout3: String - Icon path displayed next to display name4: String - Loadouts are assigned to a role, possible values:"Assistant""CombatLifeSaver""Crewman""Default""Grenadier""MachineGunner""Marksman""MissileSpecialist""Rifleman""Sapper""SpecialOperative""Unarmed"5: String - Condition for the respawn loadout to be shown. Code inside string has to return boolean. _this refers to the unit inside the respawn screen

Essentially, what I would like to be able to do, is this: a character/squad/vehicle gets destroyed. Said character/squad/vehicle then respawns at one, (out of several), pre-determined positions, and proceeds to a given waypoint. If the entity gets destroyed again, it will respawn once more, and so forth. A convenient (if at worst somewhat gamey) way to simulate "never-ending" reinforcements or firefights.

Another option is to script your own AI respawns. You'll want some kind of loop, whether it's a while loop or for loop is up to you. You'll want to check to make sure all of the units are dead, then spawn new ones after a certain amount of time.

It should perhaps be mentioned that I was talking strictly about singleplayer; not multiplayer. There are fifty thousand guides online on how to create respawns in multiplayer, which is not what I need.

Larrow, I just tried the Init-script you provided. It worked like a charm. Killed soldiers respawned where they started, joined their original groups, and proceeded to their original waypoint, assuming it hadn't been reached by the time they respawned. (Which, in the case of waypoints like "Search and Destroy", would be never.) Perfect.

You can have multiple markers simply by adding any text behind the name, e.g. respawn_west1, respawn_westBase etc. When no markers are defined, player is respawned on position where he started the mission. More about marker respawn can be found here

In the editor create one marker with name "respawn_west" or "respawn_east" (if you will be play as WEST units, you will respawn on marker "respawn_west", EAST will be respawned on "respawn_east", guerilla/independent units will be respawned on marker "respawn_guerrila").

In the editor create one marker with name "respawn_west" or "respawn_east" (if you will be play as WEST units, you will respawn on marker "respawn_west", EAST will be respawned on "respawn_east", guerilla/independent units will be respawned on marker "respawn_guerrila").

The trouble with that is you cannot save


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