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Microsoft Virtual Wifi Miniport Adapter Driver Download For Windows 7 __FULL__

I have an application that directly controls the windows wifi interface card using the Native Wifi API ( -us/library/ms706556%28VS.85%29.aspx ). Please take as a given for this question that I need to directly control the wifi adapter using this documented api and can't just leave it up to OS and user.

microsoft virtual wifi miniport adapter driver download for windows 7

The Windows 7 virtual adapter is supposed to be included with any approved Windows 7 wifi drivers. The drivers that out there now seem to be pretty buggy, and I've found that unless I manually disable the virtual wifi adapter the real adapter will not reliably connect to a wireless access point when commanded by the WLAN api.

In the control panel > Network and Internet there's an option that says: "add a wireless device". I used that to detect the microsoft virtual wifi miniport adapter, cause after I installed Windows 7 it didn't appear in the network adapters but it was there and enabled, but not started.To disable it from a command prompt run as administrator you could try:netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow(or disallowed, I haven't tried). See -us/library/dd815243%28VS.85%29.aspx 350c69d7ab


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