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The Ultimate Guide to Cracking Termsrv.dll on Windows Server 2012 and Enabling Multiple Remote Desktop Sessions

Windows Server 2012 Termsrv.dll Crack: How to Enable Multiple Remote Desktop Sessions


If you are using Windows Server 2012, you might have noticed that it only allows two concurrent remote desktop sessions by default. This means that if you want to access your server from more than two devices at the same time, you will get an error message saying that the maximum number of connections has been reached.

Windows Server 2012 Termsrv.dll Crack

This can be a problem if you need to perform administrative tasks on your server from different locations, or if you want to share your server with other users for collaboration purposes. Fortunately, there is a way to bypass this limitation and enable multiple remote desktop sessions on Windows Server 2012. All you need is a cracked version of a system file called Termsrv.dll.

What is Termsrv.dll?

Termsrv.dll is a dynamic link library file that is responsible for handling the remote desktop protocol (RDP) on Windows systems. It is located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder and it contains the code that determines how many remote desktop sessions can be established on a server.

By default, Termsrv.dll is configured to allow only two concurrent remote desktop sessions on Windows Server 2012. However, by modifying some bytes in this file, you can change this setting and allow unlimited remote desktop sessions on your server.

Why do you need to crack it?

Cracking Termsrv.dll is not an official or supported way of enabling multiple remote desktop sessions on Windows Server 2012. It is a hack that involves replacing the original Termsrv.dll file with a patched one that has been modified to remove the session limit.

This means that cracking Termsrv.dll can void your warranty, violate your license agreement, and expose your server to security risks. Therefore, you should only crack Termsrv.dll if you are fully aware of the consequences and you have a valid reason to do so.

What are the benefits of multiple remote desktop sessions?

Enabling multiple remote desktop sessions on Windows Server 2012 can have several benefits, depending on your use case. Some of them are:

  • You can access your server from more than two devices at the same time, without getting disconnected or blocked.

  • You can share your server with other users and allow them to work on different tasks simultaneously.

  • You can run multiple applications and processes on your server without affecting its performance or stability.

  • You can monitor and manage your server more efficiently and conveniently.

How to crack Termsrv.dll on Windows Server 2012

If you have decided to crack Termsrv.dll on Windows Server 2012, here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Download the patched Termsrv.dll file

The first thing you need is a patched version of Termsrv.dll that has been modified to allow unlimited remote desktop sessions. You can find such files online from various sources, but be careful as some of them might contain malware or viruses.

One of the most reliable sources for downloading a patched Termsrv.dll file is RDP Wrapper Library, which is an open-source project that provides a layer between the RDP service and the application using it. You can download the latest release of RDP Wrapper Library from here.

Once you have downloaded the RDP Wrapper Library zip file, extract it to a folder of your choice. Inside the folder, you will find a subfolder called rdpwrap-master\bin. This subfolder contains several files, but the one we are interested in is termsrv.dll.

Step 2: Backup the original Termsrv.dll file

Before replacing the original Termsrv.dll file with the patched one, it is highly recommended that you make a backup copy of it. This way, you can restore it later if something goes wrong or if you want to revert back to the default settings.

To backup the original Termsrv.dll file, go to C:\Windows\System32 and locate termsrv.dll. Right-click on it and select Copy. Then, paste it somewhere safe, such as your desktop or another folder.

Step 3: Replace the original Termsrv.dll file with the patched one

Now that you have backed up the original Termsrv.dll file, you can replace it with the patched one. To do so, go back to rdpwrap-master\bin and locate termsrv.dll. Right-click on it and select Copy. Then, go back to C:\Windows\System32 and paste it there.

You might get a warning message saying that you need administrator permission to replace this file. If so, click Continue or enter your administrator password if prompted.

Step 4: Restart the Remote Desktop Services service

The final step is to restart the Remote Desktop Services service so that it can load the new version of Termsrv.dll. To do so, open a command prompt as administrator and type:

net stop termservice net start termservice

This will stop and start the Remote Desktop Services service. Alternatively, you can also restart your server for the changes to take effect.

Step 5: Test the multiple remote desktop sessions

Congratulations! You have successfully cracked Termsrv.dll on Windows Server 2012 and enabled multiple remote desktop sessions. To test it out, try connecting to your server from more than two devices at the same time using RDP clients such as Microsoft Remote Desktop or Chrome Remote Desktop.

You should be able to establish as many remote desktop sessions as you want without getting any error messages or limitations. Enjoy!

How to restore the original Termsrv.dll file

If for some reason you want to restore the original Termsrv.dll file and disable multiple remote desktop sessions on Windows Server 2012, here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Stop the Remote Desktop Services service

The first thing you need to do is stop the Remote Desktop Services service so that it can unload the patched version of Termsrv.dll. To do so, open a command prompt as administrator and type:

net stop termservice

This will stop the Remote Desktop Services service.

Step 2: Replace the patched Termsrv.dll file with the original one

The next thing you need to do is replace the patched Termsrv.dll file with the original one that you backed up earlier. To do so, go back to C:\Windows\System32 and locate termsrv.dll. Right-click on it and select Delete. Then, go back to where you saved the original Termsrv.dll file and copy it. Then, go back to C:\Windows\System32 and paste it there.

You might get a warning message saying that you need administrator permission to replace this file. If so, click Continue or enter your administrator password if prompted.

Step 3: Start the Remote Desktop Services service

The final step is to start the Remote Desktop Services service so that it can load the original version of Termsrv.dll. To do so, open a command prompt as administrator and type:

net start termservice

This will start Conclusion

In this article, we have learned how to crack Termsrv.dll on Windows Server 2012 and enable multiple remote desktop sessions. We have also learned how to restore the original Termsrv.dll file and disable multiple remote desktop sessions. We have seen that cracking Termsrv.dll can have some benefits, but also some risks and drawbacks.

Therefore, we recommend that you only crack Termsrv.dll if you really need to and if you are aware of the consequences. Otherwise, you might want to consider other options, such as upgrading your server license, using a third-party software, or setting up a virtual machine.

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.


Q: Is cracking Termsrv.dll legal?

A: Cracking Termsrv.dll is not legal, as it violates the terms and conditions of your Windows Server 2012 license agreement. It can also expose your server to security threats and compromise its stability and performance. Therefore, we do not endorse or encourage cracking Termsrv.dll in any way.

Q: Is cracking Termsrv.dll safe?

A: Cracking Termsrv.dll is not safe, as it involves replacing a system file with an unofficial and unverified one. This can cause errors, conflicts, or malfunctions on your server. It can also make your server vulnerable to malware or hacking attacks. Therefore, we advise that you backup your server data and system files before cracking Termsrv.dll and that you scan the patched Termsrv.dll file for viruses before using it.

Q: Does cracking Termsrv.dll work on other versions of Windows Server?

A: Cracking Termsrv.dll works on some other versions of Windows Server, such as Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019. However, the process and the files might differ depending on the version. Therefore, we suggest that you do some research and find the appropriate patched Termsrv.dll file for your version of Windows Server before attempting to crack it.

Q: What are some alternatives to cracking Termsrv.dll?

A: Some alternatives to cracking Termsrv.dll are:

  • Upgrading your Windows Server 2012 license to a higher edition that supports more remote desktop sessions.

  • Using a third-party software that allows you to create and manage multiple remote desktop sessions on your server.

  • Setting up a virtual machine on your server and running another operating system that supports multiple remote desktop sessions.

Q: How can I learn more about remote desktop sessions?

A: If you want to learn more about remote desktop sessions, you can check out these resources:

  • Remote Desktop Services overview

  • Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs)

  • Remote Desktop clients


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