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Pika Software Builder: A Useful Tool for Creating Windows Applications without Programming

Pika Software Builder: A Useful Tool for Creating Windows Applications without Programming

Pika Software Builder is a software that helps users to create Windows applications without programming. It is very suitable for beginners who want to start programming Windows applications because of its simple and easy user interface. It provides most of the tools needed to create Windows applications, such as buttons, checkboxes, text fields, drop-down menus, radio buttons, menu bars, media players, web browsers and more.

Pika Software Builder is a powerful and versatile software that allows users to create various types of Windows applications, such as games, utilities, educational software, business software and more. Users can also customize the appearance and behavior of their applications by changing the colors, fonts, icons, sounds and other properties. Pika Software Builder also supports database connectivity, file operations, network communication and other advanced features.

pika software builder 22

Pika Software Builder has a simple drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to design the user interface of the applications. Users can also use the built-in code editor to write scripts for adding logic and functionality to their applications. Pika Software Builder supports several scripting languages, such as VBScript, JavaScript and Python. Users can also use external DLLs and ActiveX components to extend the capabilities of their applications.

Pika Software Builder is compatible with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 and 10. To run the software properly on Windows 10 and 8.1, users need to right-click on the executable file of the software and select Properties, then go to the Compatibility tab and enable the option Run this program in compatibility mode and select Windows 7. This way, users can easily and without problems use the software in Windows 8 and 8.1 environments.

Pika Software Builder is a free software that can be downloaded from various websites[^1^] [^2^]. If needed, an activator with activation instructions will be provided separately on the website[^1^]. Pika Software Builder is a useful and practical software for creating Windows applications without programming that helps users to create their own applications easily and quickly.

In this article, we will show you how to use Pika Software Builder to create a simple calculator application. The calculator application will have a user interface with buttons for digits and arithmetic operations, and a text field for displaying the result. The calculator application will also have a script that will perform the calculations and update the result.

To create the calculator application, follow these steps:

  • Open Pika Software Builder and create a new project. Name the project Calculator and save it in a folder of your choice.

  • In the project window, select the Form tab and drag a Text Box from the Toolbox to the form. Resize and position the text box at the top of the form. This text box will display the result of the calculations.

  • Drag 10 Button controls from the Toolbox to the form. Resize and position them below the text box in a 3x3 grid. These buttons will represent the digits from 0 to 9.

  • Change the Text property of each button to match its corresponding digit. For example, change the Text property of the first button to 1, the second button to 2, and so on.

  • Drag four more Button controls from the Toolbox to the form. Resize and position them on the right side of the digit buttons. These buttons will represent the arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

  • Change the Text property of each button to match its corresponding operation. For example, change the Text property of the first button to +, the second button to -, and so on.

  • Select the Script tab and write the following code in the code editor:


' Declare a global variable to store the current value

Dim currentValue As Double

' Declare a global variable to store the current operation

Dim currentOperation As String

' Declare a global variable to indicate whether a new calculation is started

Dim newCalculation As Boolean

' Initialize the variables

currentValue = 0

currentOperation = ""

newCalculation = True

' Define a function to update the result text box

Sub UpdateResult()

' Format the current value with two decimal places

Dim formattedValue As String

formattedValue = FormatNumber(currentValue, 2)

' Display the formatted value in the result text box

Result.Text = formattedValue

End Sub

' Define a function to handle the click event of digit buttons

Sub Digit_Click(sender As Object)

' Get the digit from the sender's text property

Dim digit As String

digit = sender.Text

' If a new calculation is started, clear the result text box

If newCalculation Then

Result.Text = ""

newCalculation = False

End If

' Append the digit to the result text box

Result.Text = Result.Text & digit

End Sub

' Define a function to handle the click event of operation buttons

Sub Operation_Click(sender As Object)

' Get the operation from the sender's text property

Dim operation As String

operation = sender.Text

' If a new calculation is not started, perform the previous operation

If Not newCalculation Then

' Get the value from the result text box

Dim value As Double

value = CDbl(Result.Text)

' Perform the previous operation based on its type

Select Case currentOperation

Case "+"

currentValue = currentValue + value

Case "-"

currentValue = currentValue - value

Case "*"

currentValue = currentValue * value

Case "/"

currentValue = currentValue / value

End Select

' Update the result text box with the current value


End If

' Set the current operation to the new operation

currentOperation = operation

' Indicate that a new calculation is started

newCalculation = True

End Sub

' Define a function to handle the click event of equal button

Sub Equal_Click(sender As Object)

' If a new calculation is not started, perform the current operation

If Not newCalculation Then

' Get the value from the result text box

Dim value As Double

value = CDbl(Result.Text)

' Perform the current operation based on its type

Select Case currentOperation

Case "+"

currentValue = currentValue + value

Case "-"

currentValue = currentValue - value

Case "*"

currentValue = currentValue * value

Case "/"

currentValue = currentValue / value

End Select

' Update the result text box with the current value

Update 0efd9a6b88


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